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Our Location

Pathology Consultancy Services
Pathology Consultancy Services
B-6, Sector-27, Near Jain Mandir
Noida – 201301, U.P. India
0120-4333-904, 4333-902

Contact Form

How are Digital Slides Produced?

This is the frequently asked question by patients and doctors.

The glass slides with tissue sections are scanned in the automatic robotically controlled microscope called slide scanner. Thousands of pictures are taken from the slide and stitched and blended together by the software to produce a composite picture which reproduces the exact picture of tissue section in glorious details, high resolution and colour saturation.

Second Opinion in Pathology

Pathology Consultancy services is a reputed lab for providing second opinion on cancer and complicated cases. Slides / P. Blocks of FNAC smears or Surgical specimen are received from big hospital and laboratories located in and around Delhi-NCR. Patients are not only provided with accurate detailed reports. But also  are empathetically counselled and guided about the future line of treatment and possible outcome of the disease. Our motto is to relieve anxiety and tension from the lives of patients as far as possible using gentle word and tender care.

PCS Payment details

Pathology Consultancy Services
Bank Name: State Bank of India
Address: B-41 B-Block Market,
Commercial Sector-31, Noida, U.P.
A/C : 33588-163529